Supporting the Mental Health Needs of People Seeking Sanctuary
21st February 2023 2- 4 pm
21st February 2023 2- 4 pm
Right now, right here in the UK, people seeking refugee status are banned from working while they wait months, and…
Refugees abandon their homes to escape war and persecution. They have to seek safety elsewhere. The right to do so,…
The Barefoot Kitchen Project works with people seeking sanctuary to grow and cook produce on various allotments in Middlesbrough. Congratulations…
Refugee rights have never been under greater threat.
What we can help with?
Abingdon Primary School in Middlesbrough has refreshed its school of sanctuary status by having a professional development day. Abingdon Primary…
Meet the author of 'The Lightless Sky' an Afghan boy's journey to safety in the UK.
Hosted online by City of Sanctuary and Asylum Matters to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the UN Refugee Convention and brought together nearly 60 people with local dignitaries, decision makers, NGOs and community organisations.
Here is some very useful information for people seeking sanctuary in the North East and for those who support them,
This is a guide for migrant and people seeking sanctuary in few languages about life, laws, education, health and parenting…
HEAR (Higher Education for Asylum Seekers & Refugees) is a non profit community group aiming to support refugees, asylum seekers…